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8th European Fraud Prevention Forum, organized by Resoclub EFP

30th november 2023

Roundtable discussion titled:


As the leader of Datagenese, I was delighted to participate in the following roundtable: "INNOVATION AND ARTIFICIAL INTELLIGENCE: APPROACH AND PERSPECTIVES" during the Fraud Forum. The association aims to bring together private and public economic actors committed to combating fraud, particularly identity fraud, in a global regulatory context, including counter-terrorism financing, financial crime, and fraud.


I wanted to share my in-depth analysis on the evolution of technologies in this sector, with a particular focus on regulatory and ethical dimensions. It is worth noting that the ethical dimension sometimes becomes dependent on the power policies of states seeking to reaffirm their influence over major economic actors. It should be highlighted that after several days of deliberation, European institutions unanimously adopted today a crucial text governing artificial intelligence, referred to as the "AI Act." This regulatory proposal aims to strike a delicate balance between necessary regulation and the promotion of innovation while establishing clear restrictions and sanction mechanisms.

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